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本文共 11631 字,大约阅读时间需要 38 分钟。

1. 并查集

/*-1  -1  -1   -1  -1  -1  -1  -1{1,  2} {2,  3} {4,  5} {1,  2}*/#include
using namespace std;class UnionSet{public: UnionSet(int n) :_size(n + 1) { _a = new int[n + 1]; memset(_a, -1, sizeof(int)*(n + 1)); } void merge(int x1, int x2) { int root1 = _getRoot(x1); int root2 = _getRoot(x2); if (root1 != root2) { _a[root1] += _a[root2]; _a[root2] = root1; } } int getSize() { return _getSize(); }protected: int _getSize() { int count=0; for (int i = 0; i < _size; i++) { if (_a[i] < 0) count++; } return count-1; } int _getRoot(int x) { int root = x; while (_a[root] >= 0) root = _a[root]; return root; }private: int *_a; size_t _size;};int main(){ const int cols = 2; const int rows = 6; UnionSet s(5); int arr[rows][cols] = { { 1, 2 }, { 2, 3 }, { 4, 5 }, { 1, 3 }, { 5, 4 }, { 2, 5 } }; for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) { s.merge(arr[i][0], arr[i][1]); } cout << s.getSize() << endl; system("pause");}

2. 打印大数1-n

using namespace std;void PrintNumber(char *arr){ bool flag = true; int len = strlen(arr); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (flag&&arr[i] != '0') flag = false; if (!flag) cout << arr[i]; }}void PrintNum(char *arr, int index, int len){ if (index == len - 1) { PrintNumber(arr); return; } for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { arr[index+1] = i + '0'; PrintNum(arr, index + 1, len); }}void Print(int n){ char *arr = new char[n + 1]; memset(arr, 0, sizeof(char)*(n + 1)); arr[n] = '\0'; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { arr[0] = i + '0'; PrintNum(arr, 0, n); } delete[]arr;}int main(){ int n; while (cin >> n) { Print(n); cout << endl; } system("pause");}

3. 奇数在前偶数在后

using namespace std;bool func(int *arr, int key){ if (arr[key] & 0x1) return true; return false;}void ReOrder(int *arr, int len,bool (*func)(int *arr,int key)){ int begin = 0; int end = len - 1; while (begin < end) { while (begin < end&&func(arr,begin)) ++begin; while (begin < end&&!func(arr, end)) --end; swap(arr[begin], arr[end]); }}int main(){ int arr[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }; int len = sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]); ReOrder(arr, len,func); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) cout << arr[i] << " "; cout << endl; system("pause"); return 0;}

4. 正则 表达式匹配

/*******************************************************************Copyright(c) 2016, Harry HeAll rights reserved.Distributed under the BSD license.(See accompanying file LICENSE.txt athttps://github.com/zhedahht/CodingInterviewChinese2/blob/master/LICENSE.txt)*******************************************************************///==================================================================// 《剑指Offer——名企面试官精讲典型编程题》代码// 作者:何海涛//==================================================================// 面试题19:正则表达式匹配// 题目:请实现一个函数用来匹配包含'.'和'*'的正则表达式。模式中的字符'.'// 表示任意一个字符,而'*'表示它前面的字符可以出现任意次(含0次)。在本题// 中,匹配是指字符串的所有字符匹配整个模式。例如,字符串"aaa"与模式"a.a"// 和"ab*ac*a"匹配,但与"aa.a"及"ab*a"均不匹配。#include 
using namespace std;bool matchCore(const char* str, const char* pattern);bool match(const char* str, const char* pattern){ if (str == nullptr || pattern == nullptr) return false; return matchCore(str, pattern);}bool matchCore(const char* str, const char* pattern){ if (*str == '\0' && *pattern == '\0') return true; if (*str != '\0' && *pattern == '\0') return false; if (*(pattern + 1) == '*') { if (*pattern == *str || (*pattern == '.' && *str != '\0')) // 进入有限状态机的下一个状态 return matchCore(str + 1, pattern + 2) // 继续留在有限状态机的当前状态 || matchCore(str + 1, pattern) // 略过一个'*' || matchCore(str, pattern + 2); else // 略过一个'*' return matchCore(str, pattern + 2); } if (*str == *pattern || (*pattern == '.' && *str != '\0')) return matchCore(str + 1, pattern + 1); return false;}// ====================测试代码====================void Test(const char* testName, const char* string, const char* pattern, bool expected){ if (testName != nullptr) printf("%s begins: ", testName); if (match(string, pattern) == expected) printf("Passed.\n"); else printf("FAILED.\n");}int main(int argc, char* argv[]){ Test("Test01", "", "", true); Test("Test02", "", ".*", true); Test("Test03", "", ".", false); Test("Test04", "", "c*", true); Test("Test05", "a", ".*", true); Test("Test06", "a", "a.", false); Test("Test07", "a", "", false); Test("Test08", "a", ".", true); Test("Test09", "a", "ab*", true); Test("Test10", "a", "ab*a", false); Test("Test11", "aa", "aa", true); Test("Test12", "aa", "a*", true); Test("Test13", "aa", ".*", true); Test("Test14", "aa", ".", false); Test("Test15", "ab", ".*", true); Test("Test16", "ab", ".*", true); Test("Test17", "aaa", "aa*", true); Test("Test18", "aaa", "aa.a", false); Test("Test19", "aaa", "a.a", true); Test("Test20", "aaa", ".a", false); Test("Test21", "aaa", "a*a", true); Test("Test22", "aaa", "ab*a", false); Test("Test23", "aaa", "ab*ac*a", true); Test("Test24", "aaa", "ab*a*c*a", true); Test("Test25", "aaa", ".*", true); Test("Test26", "aab", "c*a*b", true); Test("Test27", "aaca", "ab*a*c*a", true); Test("Test28", "aaba", "ab*a*c*a", false); Test("Test29", "bbbba", ".*a*a", true); Test("Test30", "bcbbabab", ".*a*a", false); system("pause"); return 0;}


using namespace std;struct ListNode{ int _data; ListNode *_pNext; ListNode(int data) :_pNext(nullptr), _data(data) {}};void PushFront(ListNode *&pNode,int data){ if (pNode == NULL) { pNode = new ListNode(data); } else { ListNode *pNew = new ListNode(data); pNew->_pNext = pNode; pNode = pNew; }}void PushBack(ListNode *&pNode, int data){ if (pNode == NULL) { pNode = new ListNode(data); } else { ListNode *pCur = pNode; ListNode *pNew = new ListNode(data); while (pCur->_pNext) { pCur = pCur->_pNext; } pCur->_pNext = pNew; }}ListNode *FindNode(ListNode *&pHead, int data){ assert(pHead); ListNode*pCur = pHead; while (pCur) { if (pCur->_data == data) return pCur; pCur = pCur->_pNext; } return nullptr;}void PopBack(ListNode *&pHead){ if (pHead == nullptr) return; ListNode *pCur = pHead; ListNode *pPre = pCur; if (pHead->_pNext == nullptr) { delete pHead; pHead == nullptr; return; } while (pCur->_pNext) { pPre = pCur; pCur = pCur->_pNext; } pPre->_pNext = nullptr; delete pCur; pCur = nullptr;}void Reverse(ListNode *&pHead){ assert(pHead); /*ListNode *pCur = pHead; ListNode *pNew = nullptr; ListNode *pNext = pCur->_pNext; while (pNext) { pCur->_pNext = pNew; pNew = pCur; pCur = pNext; pNext = pNext->_pNext; } pCur->_pNext = pNew; pHead = pCur;*/ ListNode *pNewHead = nullptr; ListNode *pTemp = nullptr; ListNode *pCur = pHead; while (pCur) { pTemp = pCur->_pNext; pCur->_pNext = pNewHead; pNewHead = pCur; pCur = pTemp; } pHead = pNewHead;}ListNode *MeetingNode(ListNode *&pHead){ assert(pHead); ListNode *pSlow = pHead->_pNext; if (nullptr == pSlow) return nullptr; ListNode *pFast = pSlow->_pNext; while (pFast&&pSlow) { if (pFast == pSlow) return pSlow; pSlow = pSlow->_pNext; pFast = pFast->_pNext; //注意快指针有可能为空 if (pFast) pFast = pFast->_pNext; } return nullptr;}void Merge(ListNode *&pHead1,ListNode *&pHead2){ assert(pHead1&&pHead2); ListNode *head = pHead1->_data > pHead2->_data ? pHead2 : pHead1; ListNode *head1 = head; ListNode *head2 = head == pHead1 ? pHead2 : pHead1; ListNode *pNext = nullptr; ListNode *pPre = nullptr; while (head1&&head2) { if (head1->_data <= head2->_data) { pPre = head1; head1 = head1->_pNext; } else { pNext = head2->_pNext; pPre->_pNext = head2; head2->_pNext = head1; pPre = head2; head2 = pNext; } } pPre->_pNext = head1 == nullptr ? head2 : head1; }void SelectSort(ListNode *&pHead){ assert(pHead); ListNode *pCur = pHead; if (pHead->_pNext == nullptr) return; while (pCur) { ListNode *p = pCur->_pNext; ListNode *min = pCur; while (p) { if (min->_data > p->_data) min = p; p = p->_pNext; } if (min != p) swap(min->_data, p->_data); pCur = pCur->_pNext; }}ListNode *EntryNodeOfLoop(ListNode *pHead){ ListNode *meetingNode = MeetingNode(pHead); if (nullptr == meetingNode) return nullptr; ListNode *pCur = pHead; while (pCur!=meetingNode) { pCur = pCur->_pNext; meetingNode = meetingNode->_pNext; } return pCur;}void RemoveRepeate(ListNode *&pHead){ if (pHead == nullptr || pHead->_pNext == nullptr) return; ListNode *pCur = pHead; ListNode *pPre = nullptr; while (pCur) { ListNode *pNext = pCur->_pNext; bool needDelete = false; if (pNext&&pNext->_data == pCur->_data) needDelete = true; if (!needDelete) { pPre = pCur; pCur = pCur->_pNext; } else { int data = pCur->_data; ListNode *pDel = pCur; while (pDel&&pDel->_data == data) { pNext = pDel->_pNext; delete pDel; pDel = nullptr; pDel = pNext; } if (nullptr == pPre) pHead = pNext; else pPre->_pNext = pNext; pCur = pNext; } }}void RemoveListNode(ListNode *&pHead,ListNode *&pNode){ if (pNode == nullptr) return; if (pNode->_pNext != nullptr) { pNode->_data = pNode->_pNext->_data; ListNode *pTemp=pNode->_pNext; pNode->_pNext = pTemp->_pNext; delete pTemp; pTemp = nullptr; } else { if (pNode == pHead) { delete pHead; pHead = nullptr; } else { PopBack(pHead); } }}void ReversePrintList(ListNode *&pNode){ if (pNode&&pNode->_pNext) ReversePrintList(pNode->_pNext); if (pNode) cout << pNode->_data<<" ";}int main(){ ListNode* pHead = nullptr; PushBack(pHead, 1); //PushBack(pHead, 1); //PushBack(pHead, 1); PushBack(pHead, 2); PushBack(pHead, 3);// PushBack(pHead, 4);// PushBack(pHead, 4); PushBack(pHead, 4); PushBack(pHead, 5); PushBack(pHead, 6); PushBack(pHead, 7); RemoveRepeate(pHead);// ListNode *pDel = FindNode(pHead,1); Reverse(pHead);// RemoveListNode(pHead, pDel); ReversePrintList(pHead); system("pause");}


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